Interacting with the Bidder Node

Ensure you have completed the Quickstart step in a separate terminal. This will set up your environment and place your key in the $HOME/.mev-commit directory, along with running the required bidder node.

Now that you’ve made sure we have a bidder node running, we can interact with it using the following commands:

❯_ terminal
cd $HOME/.mev-commit;
export KEY=$(cat key);
export ADDRESS=$(cast wallet address --private-key 0x$(cat key))

Getting Deposit

To get the current deposit balance in the contract for the current window:

❯_ terminal
curl -s http://localhost:13523/v1/bidder/get_deposit

To get the current deposit balance in the contract for a specific window:

❯_ terminal
curl -s http://localhost:13523/v1/bidder/get_deposit?windowNumber=1
Deposit represents the funds in the bidder’s account that can be used to submit bids on the mev-commit p2p-network and settled on-chain.

Withdraw Deposited Funds

This command will allow you to withdraw funds from the specific window. Window number is the number where the bidder deposited funds.

❯_ terminal
cast send 0x7ffa86fF89489Bca72Fec2a978e33f9870B2Bd25 "withdrawBidderAmountFromWindow(address,uint256)" $ADDRESS <window_number> \
--rpc-url --private-key $KEY

Checking the Balance of your Wallet

This command will allow you to check your current wallet balance on mev-commit chain:

❯_ terminal
cast b $ADDRESS --rpc-url

Check Total Value Locked in Contracts

❯_ terminal
python3 -c "print($(cast b 0x7ffa86fF89489Bca72Fec2a978e33f9870B2Bd25 \
--rpc-url + $(cast b 0x4FC9b98e1A0Ff10de4c2cf294656854F1d5B207D \


❯_ terminal
curl http://localhost:13523/v1/debug/topology